Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Maize (Zea mays L.)

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the world's most important food crops, except wheat and rice. As the main source of carbohydrate in Central and South America, corn is also an alternative source of food in the United States. Residents of some areas in Indonesia also use corn as a staple food. Aside from being a source of carbohydrate, corn is also grown as fodder (forage and cob), extracted oil (of grain), made of flour (from grains, known as corn flour or cornstarch), and industrial raw materials (flour, grain and cob meal ). Corn cobs are rich in pentose, which is used as raw material for the manufacture of furfural.

Corn plant height varies. Although maize is generally elevations between 1 m to 3 m, there are varieties that can reach a height of 6 m. Corn seed plants, including single dashed monocots, maize classified fibrous roots can reach a depth of 8 m although most are in the range of 2 m. In plants that are mature enough adventitious roots arise from the stem books that help support the establishment of the plant. Corn stalks upright and easy to see, as well as sorghum and sugarcane. Segment wrapped leaf midrib arising from the book. Cornstalk quite sturdy but not many contain lignin.
Corn leaf was perfect leaf. Elongated shape. Between stem and leaves are ligula. Maternal vein parallel to the veins. Leaf surface was slippery and there was a blond. Stoma in the leaves of corn shaped halter, typical familia owned Poaceae. Each stoma is surrounded by epidermal cells shaped fan. This structure plays an important role in the response of plant response to water deficit in the leaf cells. Corn has male flowers and female flowers are separate (diklin) in one plant (monoecious). Each flower has the typical structure of the tribe Poaceae flowers, called florets. Pollen distinctive yellow and flavorful.

Nutrient content in corn grains are rich in carbohydrates. Most are on endospermium. Carbohydrate content can reach 80% of the seed dry matter. Carbohydrates in the form of starch is generally a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. Sweet corn amylopectin is known to contain lower but has increased fitoglikogen and sucrose, Calories 355 Calories, 9.2 g protein, 3.9 g fat, 73.7 g carbohydrates, 10 mg calcium, 256 mg phosphorus, 2.4 mg Ferrum, SI 510 vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.38 mg, water 12 gr.

Its efficacy to prevent constipation, good for weight loss, building muscle and bone, is useful for healthy brain and nervous system. The trick: take 1-2 shelled corn cob and steamed with as much as 400 ml of water until the remaining 200 ml, after cooler, its seeds are separated from the cob and then blended with 50 cc of water. Put it in a glass and add lime juice, drink 3 times a week each 1 cup after eating.

Papaya (Carica papaya L.)

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a plant originating from southern Mexico and northern parts of South America, and is now widespread and widely grown throughout the tropics for its fruit is taken. Name papaya in Indonesian language derived from Dutch, "Papaja", which in turn took the name of the Arawak language, "papaya". In Javanese papaya called "Kates" and in Sundanese "papaw". Papaya trees are generally unbranched or slightly branched, growing to 5-10 m tall with leaves that form a spiral similar to the upper trunk. The leaves are pinnate five with a long stalk and hollow in the middle. The form can bercangap or not. Papaya cultivars usually bercangap inside.

Papaya is monodioecious' (single homeless once married two) with three other plants sex between males, females, and effeminate (hermaphrodites). Male plants are known as "papaya hanging", which although males can sometimes produce fruit also is "parthenogenesis". The fruit is sterile (do not produce fertile seeds), and be used as a traditional medicine. Papaya flowers have pale yellow petals with a stalk or sit on the trunk. Male flowers on male plants grow on long stalks. Flowers are usually found in the area around the shoots. Shape of a round, elongated, with tapered ends normally. Color dark green fruit when young, and after cooking light green to yellow. Shape of a round when derived from female plants and elongated (oval) when the plant produced a sissy. Pansy plants in cultivation is preferred because it can produce more fruit and larger fruit. Karpela pulp derived from a thickened, yellow to red, depending on the variety. The middle of the hollow fruit. The seeds are black or black and wrapped in a layer of mucus (pulp) to prevent it from drying out.

Eaten papaya flesh, both when young and ripe. Young fruit pulp cooked as a vegetable. Meat ripe fruit eaten fresh or as a mixture of fruit cocktail. Papaya leaves are also used as a vegetable and meat tenderizer. Young papaya leaves eaten as a salad or used as a wrap kit. Papaya latex can be found in the stems, leaves, and fruit contains the enzyme papain, a kind of protease, which can soften the meat and other protein conformational change. Papain has been mass produced and became a commercial commodity. Papaya leaves also have medicinal and juice are used in traditional medicine to increase appetite.

Usefulness improving digestion, treat stomach, reduce body heat, reduce heart disease, anti-amoebic, laxative urine, breaking fibers, overcome diarrhea, fever, sores, allergies, rheumatism and gout. The trick: take 100 grams of ripe papaya, seeded with the skin, and then blended with 50 cc of water, drink 1 cup a day in the morning or afternoon.


Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum syn. Lycopersicum esculentum) is a plant of the family Solanaceae. Tomato plants life cycle is short, it can grow as high as 1 to 3 feet. Tomato is a close relative of the potato. Planting tomatoes is very easy, its seeds can be directly sown into the ground only.

According to the article written by Andrew F. Smith "The Tomato in America"​​, the tomato probably originated from the highlands of the west coast of South America. After the Spanish master of South America, they spread the tomato plants into their colonies in the Caribbean. Spain also subsequently brought tomatoes to the Philippines, which became the starting point for the spread to other areas across the continent of Asia. Spanish also brought the tomato to Europe. This plant grows easily in temperate regions of the Mediterranean.

Its efficacy mambantu metabolism, cleanse the intestines and stomach, digestive problems and constipation, relieve pain for people with high uric acid, helps ward off cancer-causing free radicals, cleanses the blood and liver, and prevent appendicitis.

How to take 50-100 grams of fresh tomatoes, then washed and then blended. Drink this juice 2-3 hours after eating 1 cup a day.

Celery (Apium graveolens)

Celery (Apium graveolens) is classified  as a vegetable, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Berastagi, North Sumatra and West Java scattered Pacet Cipanas Pangalengan and the air cool. Tuberous plants and have a wet bar of this compound, can basically be divided into several types and include celery tubers are edible. In Indonesia celery used to complement the vegetables.

For the ancient Romans used as a celery plant flowers. According to the history of botany, celery has been used as a vegetable since XZII century or in 1640, and is recognized as a medicinal plant new science in 1942. Celery plant breeding can be used two ways, namely through the seeds or the mass removal of children.

Celery leaves has high content of vitamin A, while the stem is a good source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with rich supplies of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and plenty essential amino acids.

Nutrients in the fiber are released during juice, help defecation. Natural organic sodium (salt) in celery is very safe for consumption, it is actually very important for the body. Even individuals who are salt-sensitive can safely take the sodium in celery, unlike table salt (iodised sodium) which is harmful for those with high blood pressure.

Usefulness to the stomach wall and the health of the intestinal tract, maintaining youthfulness cells, maintain flexibility and muscle activity, treating asthma, diabetes, help dissolve the calcium in the body, blood flow, neutralizing the same body, protecting the brain and nervous system, treat arthritis, neuritis, rheumatism , lowers blood pressure and keep your weight.

The trick is to take 2-3 celery stalks each of its 30 cm length, wash and then blended. Drink 1 cup 1 time a day with 2-3 hours after eating.

Besides can be used to cure the above, it could be a hair fertilizer. How 7-10 Wash celery stalks thoroughly, then mash until smooth. After washing, rub collision celery leaves into the scalp and hair evenly with a light massage. When finished, wrap hair in a towel for about 1 hour. Rinse your hair with clean water. Do it once a week.

High fiber content can lead to irritation of the stomach is very sensitive, if irritation persists then you should use this therapy discontinued.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The vagina narrows

Usually it is indicated for women who just gave birth. Special care should be done so that the husband could continue to love you. So that tight pussy again as they did before pregnancy and childbirth I'll give the recipe or ingredients that you can take to restore your vagina that has been widened.
3 tablespoons rice
3 finger Kaempferia galanga L
1 finger turmeric
1 thumb of ginger
1 tablespoon sour
1  lemon
125 grams of brown sugar
Salt to taste
Pandanus leaves to taste

How soak rice in water for 3 hours, for Kaempferia galanga L  ginger, turmeric, tamarind and boiled with pandanus 3 cups of water and milled rice that has been soaked with earlier. Little by little boiling water was added to the pulverized herbs and then squeezed and filtered, then enter the glass. Beat in sugar, salt and lime juice in a glass that contains ingredients that have been filtered, stirring until smooth. Drink 3 times a day and do it for a few days then the uterus will shrink and the body feels fresh.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Galangal (Alpinia galanga L. Eilld)

Galangal (Alpinia galanga) is a type of plant tubers that can live in the highlands and lowlands. Generally, people use it as a mix of spices and traditional medicine. The characteristics of the rhizome of the ginger plant and thick, fleshy, cylindrical, about 2-4 cm in diameter, and branching. The outside of the somewhat reddish brown or pale greenish yellow, the scales have white or reddish, shiny hardware, while the inside is white. Meat fibrous rhizomes that old rugged. When dried, the roots turned into a slightly greenish, and the fiber becomes hard and tough. Trunk erect, composed of leaf midrib midrib-united to form pseudo-stem, green somewhat whitish. Young stems out as shoots from the base of the old stems.
Single leaf green, short stemmed arranged alternate. The leaves on the bottom and the top is usually smaller than the one in the middle. Elongated lanceolate leaf shape and tapered edges, base obtuse to the average leaf edge.  Bone pinnate leaves, leaves about 20-60 cm long and 4-15 cm wide. Leaf midrib approximately 15-30 cm, grooved and green. 

Compound interest is bell-shaped, fragrant, greenish white or yellowish white. Inflorescence size of approximately 10-30 cm x 5-7 cm. The number of bunches of flowers at the bottom more than the top, 2.5 cm long lip flowers, white with pink slashes on each side. Petals are still buds, white at the edges, while the base is green. buni fruit such as fruit, round, hard. when the young green-yellow, after the old turn into brownish black, ± 1 cm in diameter. There is also a red fruit. seeds are small, oval, and black.
Its efficacy as stomakik, diaforetik, carminative, aromatic, stimulant, expectorant, and antifungal. Some diseases can be treated are:
Take 1 red galangal rhizome, a little warm water, 1 tablespoon honey, grated galangal and then filtered, put beseta cup honey, 1 drink a day.

Take 1 red galangal rhizome, 1 bulb garlic, salt, 110 ml water, boil all the ingredients and then drink 1 a day 100 ml.

Cleaning the blood
Take the red galangal, created a vegetable or salad meal.

Treating ringworm
Take 4 galangal rhizomes, bulbs of garlic 1, vinegar, 110 ml water, then boiled all the ingredients, in rubbing the injured part.

Canna edulis

Canna plant is a kind of tuber-producing plants which are quite popular, but its sustainability is threatened because not many people who grow and consume. Canna tubers contain starch, although not as sweet potatoes. Canna is still closely related to kana ornamental. Another name for canna plants are root indian shot Queensland (UK). Canna (Javanese, Sundanese), fruit beads (Java), sweet bear (Sumatra), leaf beads, canna, banana sebiak (Malaysia).
Canna including watering herb with a height of 1 to 3.5 meters. Growing up with a pseudo-stem red-brown. Large and branched rhizomes, 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter and located in the ground. Leaves large, oval or elliptical leaves with a pointed tip. Both sides hairless leaves with short stalks and dark green upper with red veins brown or reddish brown. Long leaf blade 15-60 cm wide and 7-20 cm. The edges of the leaves are thin and purple, while the bottom leaves of bright shiny. The flowers are red, the old men would split into three parts. Each section contains 3-5 seeds are round, hard, outer black, whereas the inside white.
Canna tubers
Her Nutrition for 100 grams of edible tubers, containing water 75 gram, 1 gram protein, 0.1 grams fat, 22.6 grams carbohydrates, Ca 21 milligrams (mg), P 70 mg, Fe 20 mg, vitamin B 0 , 1 mg, vitamin C 10 mg. Carbohydrates are composed of over 90% starch and 10% sugar (glucose and sucrose). Flour produced bright yellow with a large grain size (125-145 milimikron x 60 milimikron) irregular. Wheat is highly soluble and easy to digest. Once cooked, the starch becomes shiny and transparent.

Its efficacy for Antipyretics and diuretics. Tubers can cure several diseases, namely:
Take 30 grams of canna bulbs, rhizomes meeting buffoonery 30 grams, 700 ml water, then boil all ingredients to a boil for 15 minutes. Drink warm 2 times a day.

Inflammation of the urinary tract
Take 49 grams of canna bulbs, cat whiskers leaves 30 grams, reed root 20 grams, 600 ml water, then boiled until boiling for 15 minutes, drink warm every morning and afternoon.

Fennel (Foeniculum vul-gare Mill.)

Plant Fennel (Foeniculum vul-gare Mill.) Is a perennial plant of the genus Foeniculum familii and Umbelliferae. This plant comes from southern Europe and the Mediterranean area, which later spread quite widely in various countries such as China, Mexico, India, Italian, Indian, and including Indonesia.

In Indonesia, there are two types of fennel which belong to the family Umbelliferae, the fennel (F. vulgare Mill.) And fennel Sowa (Anetum graveolens Linn.) Both types have been widely cultivated in Indonesia, especially fennel (F. vulgare Mill. ), while A. graveolens Linn more widely cultivated in the lowlands and the leaves are eaten as lalap.selain as seasoning, fennel plant has many uses ranging from roots, leaves, stems and seeds. Fennel leaves are used as in-uretik (facilitating urine) and his Macu transpiration. The roots of his merit as a cough medicine, laxative and a stomach ache give birth. Young plants are also used as medicine disturbance of the respiratory tract and fennel fruit extract can be used to treat heartburn.

The characteristics of this plant is that the plant height can reach 1-2 m with a lot of branching, grooved stems. Share pinnate leaves, oval to triangular with 3 dm long, yellow-colored flowers form a large collection of umbrellas. In a large umbrella are 15-40 small umbrella, umbrella with a long stalk 1-6 cm. Flower-shaped shirt with a length from 3.5 to 4 mm. In each seed there lies the oil tubes criss-cross her. At a young age fennel seeds colored green to yellow and then green, yellow and brown at the time of harvest.

Fruit is located in the middle of the umbrella generally contain volatile oil higher and sharper than the smell of fruit that is located in another part. Essential oils are the main varieties containing dulce anethol (50-80%), limonene (5%), fenchone (5%), estragol (methyl-chavicol), safrol, alpha-pinene (0.5%), camphene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene and p-cymen. On the contrary vulgare varieties are not cultivated, sometimes contain more essential oils, but because it is characterized by a bitter fen-Chone (12-22%) sehing-ga cheaper than dulce varieties. Sources: Risfaheri and Ma'mun (1999)

Efficacy of this plant is to eliminate cold, joint pain reliever, lowers uric acid levels, hold heartburn, stomach reliever, add natural flavors, overcoming thrush and cough. The part used is the fruit is ripe. The treatment took 2-9 grams of dried fennel fruit boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Or finely brewed with hot water and drink a cup of warm 1-2 times a day.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The location of some areas reflection

The location of the reflection region head always intersect. Her example eye sore on the left then massaged his right leg section. Regional body reflection is always parallel to the head. Ex massaging his sore left shoulder on the left leg.
In the middle of his foot lies rather in need in hard massage. After a massage urine can change color to yellow or slightly brownish reddish and somewhat smelly.

At the top of the foot basin, for thumb. This area is very sensitive, when touched often feel there is a small bump, that impurities present in both legs.

Near the end of the toe joints.

Just at the foot of the right, in the area of ​​reflection lever. When bile is rocky or had surgery that could still feel a small lump that nerve is dirty.

Sciatica nerve
Side of the right calf and the outer side of the left calf, massage towards the heart, when severe pain do not massage too hard or switch to the reflections that are in the arm.

The adrenal glands
It is enough to need a massage section aloud arm.

Parathyroid glands
In between your foot and the leg.

Right foot reflexology area of ​​the colon is the ascending colon and transverse front, then reverse his left foot is a reflection area transverse colon and the end of the descending colon.

Many of the points reflection

Adrenal glands
Located between the two kidneys, stimulates the function of glucose in the liver supplies, and add sugar to the blood, raising blood pressure, and increased sexual hormone.

Thyroid gland
Located in trunk throat, shaped like a butterfly. Every day the gland produces only 150 mg, and 2/3 of iodine. Its function is to control the rhythm of metabolism. When the gland is less, then the face will be swollen, body fat and body gestures and their mind becomes sluggish. When the gland excessive, then the greater the appetite, but the thin body, bulging eyes, nerves become tense and anxious. If the lack of iodine, the gland will swell and this is usually called goiter.

Parathyroid glands
Located on the side of the thyroid gland, its function is to regulate the metabolism of calcium and control the amount of calcium in the blood and bone.

Pancreatic gland
Located between the spine and stomach. Its function is to neutralize the acid from the stomach into the intestine 12 fingers, issue 3 kinds of digestive enzymes that can digest food and then sucked into the blood, resulting in blood glucose and insulin to food which functions regulate blood sugar levels. When insulin is reduced, people will develop diabetes.

Located stomach area. Its function is to help the production of white blood cells as well as blood shed. If there is bleeding, he immediately issued an additional blood.

Located behind the head. Its function is to coordinate the muscles and maintain balance.

The prostate gland
Located below the bladder. Its function as a water bank sperm, since urinary tract through the prostate gland, so if the infection becomes swollen glands, would have difficulty urinating. Urine then flows back into the bladder or kidney. This is very dangerous, because it can be attacked by toxins pee. People get older, the prostate gland enlarges. This is what causes parents difficult urination or frequent urination can. Enlarged prostate gland can cause cancer.

Gastric nerve fibers
Located behind the stomach. Its function is to serve the organs in the abdominal cavity such as offal.

The lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are also called, is a plasma protein yield little. Lymph channels are closely related to the circulatory system. Throughout circulation there are many lymph nodes. Its function is to feed on the blood cells and receives blood impurities and excrete antibiotics to fight infection.

Trigeminal nerve
The largest brain nerve, headquartered in temple, associated with muscle tasting, sweat glands, sensory nerves, scalp and face, mucous mouth, nose and teeth.

Mulberry (Morus australis poir)

Mulberry (Morus australis poir) has a Latin name, while the name of the region kitau, kerto, babasaran, mulberry, lampaung, and mempaung. The characteristics of this plant that has a tree 6-9 m tall. The leaves are triangular in shape, easy to detach from the branches, brown when ripe. Usually the leaves are used for food silkworms. Mulberry plants can be used all of the roots, stems, and fruit leaves.

Chemical constituents of this plant are Carotene, Adenine, Kolin, Amylase, fatty oils, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Calcium, Phosphorus, Maklurin, Routine, Morin, and ergosterol.

Diseases that can be cured by this plant is hepatitis, anemia, and high blood pressure. 
How to make a potion of this plant is taking 7-10 grams of mulberry fruit, use boiled water to taste, then blend mulberries with water, then drink one time a day, repeated for 14 days or until disease above passable.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sleep is difficult

Because they often sleep late, then it's become a habit for you, ex overtime assignments, playing games and so on that causes lack of sleep. Once you want to enjoy bed early, then it would probably be because it was used to sleeping late. Of the books I read, then I will tell you a recipe to make a quick sleep.

Potion is 3 grams of cumin, coriander 5 grams, 10 grams of leaf handles, and 50 grams of watercress leaves. Cumin and cilantro until finely ground, then boiled all the ingredients together to cook, chill and drink the water.

Nutmeg it can be used as a drug for babies who sleep difficult. Way, take nutmeg seeds, then peel the thin skin, the epidermis after taking shelled nutmeg, then crushed and the paste over the baby's eyes, but not too close to the eyes. After that the baby will be sleepy for sure. Cardamom can also be used in a way soften some cardamom seeds, then paste on the forehead.

drawing materials are used:
watercress leaves



leaf handles

Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

       Chili or red pepper or chili (Javanese) is a fruit and a member of the genus Capsicum plants. The fruit can be classified as a vegetable or spice, depending on how it is used. As a spice, spicy chilies are very popular in Southeast Asia as a food flavor enhancer. For art Padang dishes, chili and even considered a "staple food" to ten. It is very difficult for Padang dishes made ​​without chili.

      Large red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the types of vegetables that have a high economic value. Chili contains a variety of useful compounds for human health which contains antioxidants that serve to keep the body from free radical attack. The content of this site is the antioxidants of green chili. Lasparaginase and chili also contains Capsaicin which acts as an anticancer agent.

      Efficacy of the anti-diabetic chili and pain relievers. In the vitamin C content of peppers are extremely high.

      How to make a potion to take 25 grams of red pepper, wash and then blended with water, 100 grams of carrots, and 50 grams of tomato. Drink 1 times a day before meals.

Apple (Malus domestica)

      Diversity of the genus Malus Center is in eastern Turkey. The tree may be starting to plant crops. Of fruit improved through the selection process for thousands of years. Alexander credited with finding dwarfed apples plants in Asia Minor in the year 300 BC. Winter apples, which are picked in late autumn and stored in a temperature slightly exceeds the freezing point, it has become an important food in Asia and Europe for thousands of years, as well as in Argentina and the United States since the arrival of Europeans. Apple brought to North America with colonists in the 17th century. In the 20th century, irrigation projects in Washington state launched to spur the development of the fruit industry worth thousands of millions of dollars, which was pioneered by apple species. Until the 20th century, farmers store the apples in cubicles antifreeze in the winter for their own sales. Transportation of fresh apples by train and road continues to grow successfully eliminate the need for storage.

     Apples are usually red when ripe and the skin, but can also be green or yellow skin. Somewhat mushy fruit skin, flesh hard. The fruit has few seeds in it. People first began to grow apples in Central Asia. Now the apples grown in many areas of the world where the air temperature is cooler. The scientific name is Latin for apple trees Malus domestica is. Apple cultivation is a descendant of Malus sieversii Central Asian origin, with most of the genome of Malus sylvestris (apple forest / wild apple).
Most good apple eaten raw (uncooked), and also used a lot of party foods. Apples cooked until soft to make applesauce. Apples are also made ​​to be a cider drink.

      Usefulness muscle repair, digestion, encouraging food waste in the sewer, absorbing excess water in the colon, control the release of insulin, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, body cleanse, heal any inflammation, infection above all, help bone formation, absorb calcium from food.

     How to use, take 100 grams of apples, remove the seeds and then blended with 50 cc of water, drink 1 cup a day after lunch.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


       The grape is fruit plants such as creeping shrubs belonging to the family Vitaceae. The fruit is commonly used to make grape juice, jelly, wine, grape seed oil and raisins, or eaten directly.

       This plant has been cultivated since 4000 BC in the Middle East. However, the processing of grapes into wine was discovered in 2500 BC by the Mesir.Only a short while processing this soon spread to various parts of the world, ranging from the Black Sea, Spain, Germany, France, and Austria. Spread the fruit is growing rapidly with a trip the Columbus brought the fruit around the world.

        Usefulness is to eliminate the fat of the kidneys and other body parts. The content of tannins in it able to attack the virus. The content of flavonoids as antioxidants and prevent atheroclerosis, contains iron, avoid konsitipasi, cleanse the liver, help the kidneys function, helping the formation of blood, disabling the virus and reduce cholesterol.

        How to make a potion that took 100 grams of grapes that have been washed before, then remove the seeds, then blend with 50cc of water. Regularly drink 1 cup a day after lunch.

Reed (Imperata arundinacea L. Cyrillo)

        Reed called Imperata arundinacea L. Cyrillo which belong to the plant family Gramineae or Poaceae. This plant is known by the name of the thatch, and reed.

      This plant is rich with a variety of chemical constituents are already known, namely mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin, grit acid, resin, alkali metal.

       Usefulness is shed in urine, pain reliever, and lower high blood pressure. The part that is used to cure the roots and rhizomes. How to treatment, take 20-30 grams of dried rhizome and then boiled with 4 cups of water until the remaining 1.5 cups. After a cold and then filtered, taken 3 times a day each 1/2 cup.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Impatiens Balsamina

Impatiens balsamina
         Impatiens balsamina (Flower Water girlfriend) is a plant that comes from South Asia and Southeast Asia. This plant was introduced in America in the 19th century. This plant is an annual or biennial plant and has flowers that are white, red, purple or pink. Flower shape resembles a tiny orchids. Higher plants can reach a meter thick stems and leaves are serrated edges.
This plant is very popular bees and other insects that help pollination. However these plants can not live in a dry environment. Various parts of the plant are also used as traditional medicine.

       Usefulness as an anti-rheumatic and emenagog. Materials used are seeds of plants, flowers, and leaves.

Getting treatment:
Irregular menstruation
Flowers boyfriend 6 grams of fresh water, white ground ginger 6 grams, 4 grams Rahab jung leaves, 115 ml water, boil all ingredients to a boil, drink as much as 100 ml 1 a day.

Seeds boyfriend water 4 grams, 4 grams win leaves, 110 ml water, boiled until boiling and then drink 1 a day up to 100 ml.

Plants gulp (Quisqualis indica L)

(Quisqualis indica L)
     Gulp called Quisqualisindica L. or Quisqualis ebracteata Beauv. belongs to the family Combretaceae. This plant is known by the name of the wudani, bidani, kacekluk, rhabet, iron tikao or gulp. This plant is rich in a variety of chemical constituents. Plant part used is seed, dried ripe fruit, roots and leaves.

Take a gulp 5 grains beans, 1 cup water, then seeds gulp crushed and then boiled to 1/2 cup, let cool and drink 2 times a day.

The leaves are crushed and used as a poultice on the forehead.

Clean leaves pounded then squeezed, then juice used as drops of water ear.

Fungal diseases of the skin
Fruit finely, add coconut oil and then smeared on the sick.

For diseases, less weight and digestive disorders in children. Abdominal bloating in dysentery. Inflammation of the kidney.
Take 30-60 leaves, boiled, strain, and drink.

Sandalwood (Santalum album linn)

       Sandalwood or sandalwood fragrance, a tree producing sandalwood and sandalwood oil. The wood is used as a spice, incense ingredients, aromatherapy, fragrance mix, and bayonet dagger (sheath). Good Wood can keep aroma for centuries. It is said that Sri Lanka is the wood used for the body membalsam princes since the 9th century. In Indonesia, this wood is found in East Nusa Tenggara, especially on the island of Timor, although now found also in Java and Nusa Tenggara islands other.

       Sandalwood is a parasitic plant early in life. Sprouts require its host tree to support its growth, because roots themselves are not capable of supporting life. Because this is a prerequisite sandalwood difficult bred or cultivated. Fragrant sandalwood (Santalum album linn) is now very rare and very expensive. Wood from the area in southern India Mysoram usually considered the best quality. In Indonesia, sandalwood of Timor is also greatly appreciated. Instead, aromatherapy and perfume experts using jenggi sandalwood (Santalum spicatum). Both types of wood are different concentrations of the chemicals they contain, and therefore the level of fragrance is different.

       Sandalwood is considered as an alternative medicine to bring one closer to God. Sandalwood base oil, which is very expensive in its pure form, is used primarily for Ayurvedic healing ways, and to relieve anxiety.

      In Indonesia, the word "Sandalwood" is often used by the press to describe anything related to Suharto, President of Indonesia The second, and people nearby. The reason is because the private home Soeharto and several children located on Jalan Cendana, Central Jakarta.
Judging from the Dutch (sandelhout) and English (sandalwood), sandalwood is believed to originate from NTT especially Sumba Island. It can be seen from the nickname of the island of Sumba, Sandalwood Island. The nickname was taken down generations of Japanese and Dutch colonial era to the present.
Pain can be treated with sandalwood:

gonorrhea Virulenta
Take sandalwood then milled, add water or rubbing sandalwood oil and stick it to the place of the sick.

Emenagogum (cleaners menstruation)
Take sandalwood bark then add water, then filtered and then milled drinking water.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Strengthen dick (Mr. P)

        Sexual satisfaction is not only because of the size of the penis. Even small or medium penis when erect and strong but will be able to satisfy his wife.

        Because at the time of intercourse if the male penis can not erect and strong, then the partner will be very disappointed. That could make the wife is not satisfied. If this habit to drag on and eventually the wife will be desperate, as a result he will find satisfaction with another man. It arrives due to infidelity occurs, then the marriage will also be destroyed.

       To avoid the things that lets the case, you follow the way of the men that I give to you so that your penis is more sturdy and strong upright rigid, it can be used this herb.

leaf distance
       Take a leaf distance and lime leaves, then mash until smooth, rubbed on your penis shaft for 1/2 hour. Do it every day when waking sleep, can you do when you are in the bathroom so as not to waste time. If you want to do on a regular basis, in a short time of approximately 1 month of your penis will erect, sturdy, and strong. If it were so then the wife will be satisfied once and have never been disappointed, you have to think about is how do you give the sensation to his wife in order harmony always maintained and there will be no cheating. Good luck!

 lime leaves

Stopping Pregnancy

        A woman who wants a lot of kids there, and some that did not want that, especially because of the life. Most of the way taken by mothers is to drink KB pills or surgery or implant as well. Actually, the traditional way to make the body more healthy, always drinking homemade potions.

        For those who may have quite a number of children and do not want to have any more children, can make traditional ingredients below:

        Take 2 sticks of turmeric along with 3 cm of the little finger, Bake over a small flame, try not to burn saffron, after 2-3 minutes, mashing until smooth mix turmeric 1/4 teaspoon salt, add 1 cup water, then squeeze and strain. Then drink for 1 week, every morning and evening, undoubtedly the youngest sister did not have anymore.


Turmeric (curcuma domestica)

          Historically turmeric comes from India, but it has spread throughout the world, especially in the tropics. In Indonesia as a whole can grow and produce well. clump plants have pseudo-stem leaf midrib composed of. Elongated oval shaped leaves, light green, terraced constituent leaves of each plant.

       Elliptic and the Rhizome branching. Turmeric grows well on good ground irrigation system, rainfall 2,000 mm to 4,000 mm per year and in a little sheltered. But to produce larger rhizomes needed a more open space.

       Young rhizomes and yellow skin and yellow flesh, after the old rhizomes to orange skin and flesh browning slightly yellow bright orange. Turmeric-containing materials such as oil adsiri, phelkandere, sabinene, cineol, zingeberence, turmeron, champene, camphor, sesquiterpene, caprilic acid, acid methoxinnamic, thelomethy carbinol, curcumene, and dyes that contain alkaloids curcumin. Curcumin is the yellow pigment contained by turmeric, has a broad spectrum of biological activities including antihepotoxic, antibacterial, and antioxidant.

Usefulness as kolagoga, stomakik, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, choleretic. Getting treatment:

Sores and ringworm
1 finger turmeric, 1 handful of leaves sour, a little water, then crushed, then put on the wound and changed every 3 hours.

Turmeric 1/2 fingers, penetrance wind or cardamom 1/2 teaspoon coriander 3 seeds, pieces of wood ules 1 seeds, leaves Trawas 1 piece, combine all the ingredients and then crushed, add 115 ml of water and bring to a boil. After cooking is filtered and drunk in the morning and evening as much as 100 ml each time you drink.

Stomach ache
turmeric burned one finger, pulosari extract 1 finger, coriander 7 seeds, plants patikan china 1 handheld, 1 cup water, mix it all then crushed, add simmer until water is obtained 1 cup, strain and then drink. For infants aged 5-7 months, take 1 teaspoon / day, children aged 1-2 years, drink 2 times a day 3 tablespoons, adults drink 3 times a day 1/2 cup.

 Menstrual pain
1 finger turmeric, coriander 7 grains, cloves 1 egg, sour kawak, nutmeg, mix all the ingredients and then add the mashed 110 ml of water, and bring to a boil. Once cooked strain and drink 1 a day 100 ml.

Leunca (Solanum nigrum L)

       This plant comes Europe and Western Asia, through Malaysia to Indonesia Leunca plants. The leaves and fruit of plants containing compounds Leunca alkaloid solanine glycosides, tanning substances, fatty oils, calcium, iron, vitamin A and C. Plant Parts Used in herbal medicine are:
Leunca leaves 70 grams, 5 cups water, then boiled for 15 minutes, then drink 3 to 4 times a day.

Urticaria (urticaria)
Leunca mashed fresh taste, then rub on skin color biduran to be green. Do it 3 times a day. Typically, the treatment effect can be seen after 4-5 days.

Boil 50-60 grams of leaves of fresh Leunca and 25 grams white sugar with enough water. Wait until boil then strain and drink boiled water.

Urinary infection
Boil 30 grams of fresh Leunca, 30 grams of grass snake tongue (liedyotis diffitsa Willd.), And 30 grams of meniran (Phylkuithus urinary Linn.) With 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Filter the cooking water, then drink two times a day each 1/2 cup.

Cancer (cervix, esophagus, breast, lung, and liver), eliminating the symptoms and signs of vaginal disease, repair damaged tissue (tissue regeneration), stir the appetite, improvement in mental status, and eliminate the signs of inflammation and symptoms of poisoning.
Wash thoroughly, then boil 90 grams Leunca with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Drink boiled water twice a day each 1/2 cup.

Boil 30 grams and 30 grams of fresh Leunca white flowers chicken's comb (Celosia cristata) with 5 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Filter stew, and drink twice a day each 100 ml.

Lacerations of the cervix (cervical erosion)
Leunca Boil until thickened to taste with water. Spread the stew by using a cotton swab stick was given to the blisters. Do it 1-2 times a week. A series of treatments carried out up to 8 times.

Dry eye (xerophtalmia)
Wash 15 Leunca fresh fruit is ripe, chew, and swallow. Do it three times a day.

Inflammation of the skin and eczema
Rinse Leunca 60 grams 30 grams of fresh or dried, then boiled with 5 cups of water to 2 cups. Drink boiled water twice a day each 1 cup.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Plants Cats Whisker

Orthosiphon aristatus or known as cat's whiskers include plants of the family Lamiaceae / Labiatae. This plant is one of the medicinal plants native to Indonesia which has its benefits and uses quite a lot in coping with the disease.

Whiskers is a medicinal plant in the form of wet-trunked plants upright. This plant is known by various terms such as: kidney tea plants / java tea (UK), giri-giri angry (Sumatra), remujung (Central Java and East Java) and songot koneng (Madura). Plants cat whiskers from the tropical areas of Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia.

Leaves wet and dry cat whiskers are used as coping with illness, in Indonesia, dry leaves used (crude) as a diabetes drug, diabetes, difficulty urinating, kidney stones, back pain, cat whiskers is also used as an antibacterial.

leaf meniran
Kidney stones
Whiskers leaves 25 grams, 25 grams ngokilo leaves, leaf meniran with 25 grams of roots, leaves nasty shard, washed 25 grams. All the above ingredients boiled in 4 cups water to a boil. Drink all the water boiled it in a day.
Or it could be in the following ways:
3 handheld leaf cat whiskers, leaves nasty shard washed 5 pieces, both material was boiled with 2 cups water to a boil. Drinking water 2x a day, morning and evening, for 10 days. After 10 days, replace the water boiled corn, 1 x day.
In order for the treatment went well, avoid eating durian, goat meat and spicy food.

bitter leaf

Difficult urination
Fresh leaves cat whiskers 1/4 handheld, 1 cup water, boiled to obtain liquid 1/2 cup, drink 2 times a day every day and every time you drink as much as 1/2 cup only.

Leaf cat whiskers 20 strands, 20 strands of bitter leaf, 110 ml water, mix all ingredients, drink 1 a day up to 100 ml.

1 handheld leaf cat whiskers, papaya bark area of ​​4 cm2, 110 ml water, mix all the ingredients and drinking water 1 time a day as much as 100 m.

Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L)

Carambola vegetables, starfruit, starfruit reed, or star fruit acid is a kind of a small tree that is estimated to come from the Moluccas, and cultivated and grows freely in Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaysia. This plant is commonly grown in home gardens to take fruit. The fruit has a sour taste is often used as a seasoning and mixed herbs.

During this time people take advantage starfruit just as syrup, candied, or spices. Though this plant traditionally been used to address a variety of diseases such as cough, diabetes, rheumatism, mumps, thrush, toothache, sore throat, diabetes, bleeding gums, to high blood pressure.

High blood pressure
To cope with high blood pressure do I boiled 3 pieces of sliced ​​starfruit with 3 cups of water until half. Then strain and drink in the morning.

Bleeding gums
Consumption of fresh fruit starfruit with sugar on a daily basis. Can also two starfruit eaten every day.

Compress Pain Medication Mumps
The leaves pounded with garlic and kompreskan the mumps part. For mumps, half handheld starfruit leaves with three cloves of crushed garlic.

Cough lozenge
Leaves, flowers, fruits, each of which as many boiled in boiling water for 1/2 hour, then drink the water.
The second way, a handful of starfruit leaves, a handful of flowers and two star fruit, sugar, boiled in two cups of water until the water is staying half. Strain and drink twice a day.

Six fruit starfruit crushed and boiled with a glass of water until the water is staying half. Strain and drink twice a day.

Women's scent Vagina

 basil leaves
       There are some women who have vaginal not so savory, so often complain and feel insecure when dealing with a husband who acts like a taunt or as if disgusted him. But for women who have a vagina smells like it's not difficult to eliminate. 

       The smell can be started from an infection that occurs within or on the cervix cagina or whitish. To eliminate these odors, we can also use a handful of crushed basil, and then filtered while squeezed in a clean, soft cloth to take the water extract. Then mix 1 tablespoon of honey, add a little salt, mix well and drink. Tomorrow morning repeat again, do it regularly up to 1 month, God willing, will broadcast vagina smells fragrant and does not have a smell that odor again.

        If every week 2 times drinking the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey and salt as above, will be forever fragrant pussy and do not need to worry or low self again when getting ready to face the husband to carry out sexual activities.

Sunflowers to Urinary Infection

           Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) is a plant of the tribe marigolds annuals-kenikiran (Asteraceae) are popular, both as an ornamental plant and oil crops. Flowers of this plant are very distinctive: large, usually bright yellow, with a large flower head (can reach 30 cm diameter). This flower is actually a compound flower, composed of hundreds to thousands of small flowers on one head. Sunflowers also has a typical behavior, ie the interest is always facing toward the sun or heliotropisme. The French call it Tournesol or "wanderer Sun". However, these properties removed at various new cultivars for oil production because it takes a lot of energy and reduce the yield. Sunflower is the national flower of the PRC and the official state flower of Kansas, USA.

         Sunflowers like fertile soil and warm. This plant likes a sunny atmosphere. Given its origin, this plant is suitable to grow in a place with a subtropical climate. In the tropics high yield if planted in the highlands. In temperate regions such as Europe plants can only be planted in the spring until autumn frost affected and should be avoided.

       Sunflower can be used as a useful tool to cure urinary tract infections and many other diseases. In addition to its interest as a drug, it leaves and seeds can be made remedy for many ills.

       The trick, use 30 grams of sunflower root and 3 cups water. Boil the roots with water, not too long, pick up the first time when I was a boil, then let cool or warm drink regularly.

Efficacy Onions

Beneficial for lowering blood sugar in diabetics, lowers high blood pressure, increase immune system, anti attack cancer, and digestive disorders medicine. Garlic may also prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease. May decrease serum levels of HDL cholesterol. If garlic is consumed with celery can be used to lower blood pressure, worming, and mumps.
How to make potions:
20 grams net dcuci garlic, then blended with water cook, serve digelas add 1 tablespoon of honey, mix well and then drink in the morning and afternoon.

Useful to reduce the activity of blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, asthma cure, against tumor cells and cure leukemia.
How to make potions:
20 grams of onions washed and blended with water, serve in a glass and then add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening. If you do not like juice, can be used for seasoning mixture on the fried rice or other dishes.

Lemon Fruit

(Citrus Aurantifolia Christm)
Squeeze 1 orange juice, add the soy sauce / honey as much as the lime juice, then mix until blended, drink 2 times a day morning and evening.

Take a fresh lime leaves 5 ​​leaves, leaf sembung (Blumea balsamifera) three strands, leaf prasman (Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl.) 5 pieces, 115 ml water, then poured boiling water, then drink one day so as much as 100 ml.

Throat pain
Take 1 piece of lemon and slices, take a little whiting and then spread on sliced ​​oranges and then heated over low heat, squeeze and can be taken 2 times a day 1 potion, repeated for 3 days.

Menstrual pain
Take 1 piece of lime, whiting 2 fingers, eucalyptus oil to taste, then squeeze the lemon and add the whiting along with eucalyptus oil then stir until well blended, then spread with abdominal pain.

Lose Weight
Use 3 tablespoons of tea, 1 orange juice, 1 cup cooking water. Squeeze lime juice and mixing them with a glass of tea, stirring until smooth and then drink every morning and afternoon of each half a glass.

Intoxicated Vehicle / frequent vomiting on the way
Take 2 pieces of old citrus, a little sugar, and cooking water. Then squeeze the lemon juice, add water and sugar, stir. Drink before you make long journeys.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Morel Berry (Ciplukan)

Morel berry Cure Lung
       Lung disease that is in need of treatment for a long time. Therefore, people with this disease have to be patient and determined to treat it. Because if not treated in a way will diligently take out the soul itself. If a family member you have lung disease, then look for existing plants the forest, the men covered with green tweezers (in Java called ciplukan). Boil the roots stems and leaves morel berry it to a boil. After that chill and Drinks at patients 3 times a day each 1 cup. Repeat the treatment for 6 months in a row. With perseverance you insha Allah lung disease will be cured.

As drug chicken pox disease
       Take morel berry leaves, boiled with water to the boil and then boiled the mix with cold water and pour into a bucket until the water is warm, the water bathe the chicken pox sufferers. Perform each wanted a shower until the chicken pox began to disappear.

some pictures morel berry:

morel berry tree
Fruit morel berry (ciplukan)
ripe fruit