Monday, November 5, 2012

Pluchea Indica

Major areas beluntas (Malay), baluntas, baruntas (Sunda), luntas (Java), baluntas (Madura), lamutasa (Napier), lenabou (East), while the foreign name for the plant is beluntas Luan Yi (China), Phatpai (Vietnam ), and Marsh fleabane (UK). Name bulbs beluntas is Plucheacea folium (leaf), Plucheacea radix (root).

Beluntas familia with Compositae is a branched shrub, ribbed smooth and fluffy. Generally, this plant is grown as a hedge or even grow wild, can reach 3 feet tall if not pruned. Beluntas can be grown in dry areas on the hard ground and rocky, the low-lying areas to the plains while in tow, it requires quite a bit of sun or light shade, and the propagation can be done by cutting the stem on the trunk is quite old. Short-stemmed leaves, lying alternately, sunsang oval, tapering rounded ends. Leaf margins serrated, bright green leaves, flowers and branches out at the end of the armpit leaves, flower shaped hump, handled or sitting, and purple. The fruit longkah somewhat shaped tops, brown with white angle.

Beluntas leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, sodium, essential oils, calcium, flafonoida, magnesium, and phosphorus. While the roots containing flafonoida and tannin. Beluntas leaf characteristic odor and a bitter taste aromatic and refreshing, efficacious to increase appetite, aid digestion, shedding sweat, eliminates body odor and bad breath, reduce fever, bone pain, back pain, and vaginal discharge, while the root beluntas efficacious as a laxative sweat and air. The leaves can also be consumed as beluntas lalaban or steamed. Beluntas leaf essential oil content of 5% can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, whereas the levels of 20% to inhibit the growth of bacteria Escherechia coli.

Its efficacy is as diaforetik, analgesic, and stomakik. Some of the diseases that can be treated with this plant are:
low back pain
Take 5 grams beluntas root, rhizome galingale 7 grams, 6 grams of ginger rhizome, turmeric 6 grams, 110 ml water, boil all the ingredients and then drink 1 a day up to 100 ml.

Take a leaf beluntas 30 pieces, 7 pieces of betel leaf, leaf sembung 9 pieces, leaves 2 handfuls acid, 20 liters of water, boil all the ingredients then uapkan under the bed is used.


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