Sunday, October 28, 2012

Many of the points reflection

Adrenal glands

Located between the two kidneys, stimulates the function of glucose in the liver supplies, and add sugar to the blood, raising blood pressure, and increased sexual hormone.

Thyroid gland
Located in trunk throat, shaped like a butterfly. Every day the gland produces only 150 mg, and 2/3 of iodine. Its function is to control the rhythm of metabolism. When the gland is less, then the face will be swollen, body fat and body gestures and their mind becomes sluggish. When the gland excessive, then the greater the appetite, but the thin body, bulging eyes, nerves become tense and anxious. If the lack of iodine, the gland will swell and this is usually called goiter.

Parathyroid glands
Located on the side of the thyroid gland, its function is to regulate the metabolism of calcium and control the amount of calcium in the blood and bone.

Pancreatic gland
Located between the spine and stomach. Its function is to neutralize the acid from the stomach into the intestine 12 fingers, issue 3 kinds of digestive enzymes that can digest food and then sucked into the blood, resulting in blood glucose and insulin to food which functions regulate blood sugar levels. When insulin is reduced, people will develop diabetes.

Located stomach area. Its function is to help the production of white blood cells as well as blood shed. If there is bleeding, he immediately issued an additional blood.

Located behind the head. Its function is to coordinate the muscles and maintain balance.

The prostate gland
Located below the bladder. Its function as a water bank sperm, since urinary tract through the prostate gland, so if the infection becomes swollen glands, would have difficulty urinating. Urine then flows back into the bladder or kidney. This is very dangerous, because it can be attacked by toxins pee. People get older, the prostate gland enlarges. This is what causes parents difficult urination or frequent urination can. Enlarged prostate gland can cause cancer.

Gastric nerve fibers
Located behind the stomach. Its function is to serve the organs in the abdominal cavity such as offal.

The lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are also called, is a plasma protein yield little. Lymph channels are closely related to the circulatory system. Throughout circulation there are many lymph nodes. Its function is to feed on the blood cells and receives blood impurities and excrete antibiotics to fight infection.

Trigeminal nerve
The largest brain nerve, headquartered in temple, associated with muscle tasting, sweat glands, sensory nerves, scalp and face, mucous mouth, nose and teeth.


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