Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nutritional Status

Nutritional status of children is the state of child health is determined by the degree of physical needs energy and other nutrients derived from food and food antroppometri measurable physical impact (Suharjo, 1996), and categorized based on WHO-NCHS standards with indexes BB / U, TB / U and BB / TB, Indications measurement of this variable is determined by:
  1. Weighing Weight (BW) and Height measurements (TB) Performed by nutrition clinicians in accordance with the terms of the judgment.
  2. Determination of the age of the child is determined according to the date of weighing and measurements BB TB, then reduced to the date of birth of the children taken from the identity data on each school, provided 1 month is 30 days and 1 year was 12 months.
Objective criteria stated in the average Z score and the number of standard deviations (SSB) and the group as a presen induvidu the median reference standard ( al, in, Djuamadias, Abunain, 1990) In order to calculate SSB formula can be used:
Where: NIS      : Value Individual Subjects
            NMR   : Median Value Reference 
            NSBR  : Raw Simpang Value Reference

The measurement results are categorized as follows
1. For BB / U
           Nutrition Less                      If SSB <- 2 SD
           Good Nutrition                    When SSB -2 s / d +2 SD
           Nutrition More                    If SSB> +2 SD
2. TB / U
          Short                                   When SSB <-2 SD
          Normal                                When SSB -2 s / d +2 SD
          When high                            SBB> +2 SD
3. BB / TB
          Skinny                                 If SSB <-2 SD
          Normal                                When SSB -2 s / d +2 SD
          Grease                                 If SSB> +2 SD

And nutritional status also interpreted according to three anthropometric indices, (Department of Health, 2004). And categorized as shown in Table 3

Early Childhood Nutrition

Development of health and nutrition-oriented human development (sustainable development for mankind) is based on the realization about the importance of health investment for the progress of a nation. Without health, there will be no human resources (HR) is an intellectual and productive which is a prerequisite to the success of a nation. Health is without major capital development, capital-capital other will not work optimum (Grossman, 1972). Health also is a human right that should be met before other human rights can be met.

Health role in preparing high-quality raw materials and human resources maintain and enhance the quality of human resources. Health investment should start from the beginning, even as a mother preparing to become pregnant because of the nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy will affect the health of the fetus. Thus the approach to nutrition and health throughout the life cycle is the right approach and the improvement of nutrition and health should be conducted simultaneously in all stages of life, especially in the early stages of life include pregnant mothers, pregnant women, fetuses, newborns (neonatal), perinatal period weaning, under one year, under two years, under three years old, and pre-school (under five-six years). Early health investment is the beginning of long-term capital-oriented development and improving the quality of human resources should be implemented.

Indonesia Health Sciences Consortium (KIKI) suggested the need for a redefinition the medical term. As we all know WHO defines health as: "The state of perfect physical, ment al, and social and not just freedom from disease and disability, as well as economically and socially productive." While the Act Health No. 23/1992, the General Provisions Article 1 paragraph (1) mentions the meaning health as "a state of well being of body, soul, and socially to enable more people to live productive both socially and economically." The definitions are more appropriate for adult humans age, but have emphasized the importance of early childhood health. The proposed definition of health by KIKI is: "Health is a basic and natural elements of the potential of each individual which is indispensable in early life and growth, and if it does not exist or can not be fulfilled me nghambat physical and mental development someone. "(Consortium of Medical Sciences of Indonesia, 2003)

Brain Development
Brain growth starting from the age of two weeks and the fetus in terms of growth, brain tissue classified into static so it is not possible accretion of cells (hyperplasia) when the differentiation of the cells germinatif (boggin, 1999). Another implication of the growth of the network is no possibility of renewal static (renewal) and if any damage is irreversible (irreversible). 

At birth, the growth of the spinal cord and brain stem almost completed while cerebellum is still growing until the first year of life. Neurons (nerve cells receive and send information) began to take shape at the age of 2 months and the fetus number of neurons increased rapidly at 25 weeks gestation until months after birth. By the time the baby is born, almost all adult brain neurons have been formed though not fully developed. 
Furthermore, neurons migrate and form axons and dendrites that function send signals (axon) and receiving signals (dendrites) of neurons through synapses (the communication of the nervous system) with the help of neurotransmitters. Reproduction of dendrites and synaptic connections occurs primarily in third trimester pregnancy until the baby is 2 years of age when the number of synapses reaches its peak (Papalia, Olds, and Feldman, 2001). Besides neurons, the brain is also made up of glial cells that protect the network of neurons with myelin (a type of fat). This process, called myelinasi allow communication between neurons more efficiently by increasing the speed of signal transfer and thus can achieve functional maturity of the brain. Myelinasi begins in mid-gestation in some parts of the brain and continues into adulthood in some other parts of the brain. Myelinasi on the brain pathways related to touch (the developed initial sensor body) for example, is complete at birth while myelinasi the visual pathway continues through the first 5 months of life. While myelinasi in the cortex of the brain that control aspects of attention and memory continues until young adulthood (Papalia, Olds, and Feldman, 2001). 
Nutritional factors are essential factors for growth and brain development. Malnourished pregnant women and infants affect infant brain development, the study notes that lbw to 5 points lower IQ, stunted 5-10 points lower IQ and lower IQ Gaki up 10-15 points (Grantham-McGregor, Fernald, and Sethuraman, 1999), and anemia lowers IQ to 8 points (Horton and Ross, 2003). 
Exclusive breastfeeding is known to have a variety of nutritional and health benefits including the development of the immune system, supply of energy, protein and other nutrients in a balanced composition, and gain emotional psycho form of closeness (attachment) baby with her mother. In terms of intellect and cognitive, breastfed babies have higher IQ 3.2 points compared with infants who received formula milk (Anderson, 1999). Breastfeeding known to be associated with exclusive breastfeeding immediately (immediate breastfeeding) positively (Fikawati and Shafiq, 2003). The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months in various regions in Indonesia is still low at below 10% 
(Syafiq and Fikawati, 2007).

Strategic Health Improvement and Nutrition in Early Childhood
Proposals can be submitted for strategies to improve the health and nutrition of children aged Early was the first, it should be emphasized to all parties of the importance of Early health investment as a prerequisite for the development of national human resources quality. Without the awareness and knowledge of health investment early then the bargaining position of health and nutrition will always be weaker than the other sectors, such as education. Though investment in education will not be optimal even useless without health investment early.

Second, the escort by the Central Government. As already mentioned section earlier, to ensure the sustainability of the program evenly Central Government should oversee both managerial and financial capacity building program health and nutrition of young children. Submit funding the government will put the program in a situation of uncertainty and is certainly not accomplished optimally.

Third, community-based approach. People need to share in and be involved programs to improve health and nutrition of young children. It is very important that a desire to improve yourself. Communities should also be invited to participate and understand their problems involved in the planning of the program, including monitoring and evaluation. This approach also provides a guarantee of sustainability (sustainability) of the program.

Partnerships need to be made ​​with all parties, government institutions, the private sector, and NGOs. It should be noted that the partnership intertwined maintained particularly in relation to sustainability (sustainability). Often occurs from the program because the program stopped funding partners (donor agency) has been terminated with no follow-up and handover by institutions government.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Name avocado comes from the Aztec language, ahuacatl. Aztec tribe located in the region of Central America and Mexico. At the time of the Spanish forces entered the area around the beginning of the 16th century, a variety of plants from this region, including avocado, introduced to the population of Europe. The first person who introduced the avocado fruit to the European population is Martín Fernández de Enciso, one of the leaders of the Spanish forces. He introduced this fruit in 1519 to the people of Europe.

At the same time, the Spanish troops who invaded Central America also introduced the cacao, corn, and potatoes to the European community. Since then began to spread and avocado fruit is known by many of the world's population.

Stems reach a height of 20 m with leaves 12-25 cm long. Her flowers hidden in green yellow and 5-10 mm size. Its size varies from 7-20 inches, with a mass of 100-1000 grams, large seed size 5 to 6.4 centimeters.
Her pieces have soft skin uneven dark green to brownish purple, depending on its variety. Avocado pulp is light green and light yellow near the skin near the seed, with a soft texture.

Its efficacy for treating canker sores, bladder stones, high blood pressure, dry facial skin, sore tooth decay, diabetes, reduces inflammation of the bone. Her method of treatment is to take 1 piece of avocado then wash and then dibunag its seeds, and then take his meat cut into small pieces and in a blender, add some water or soy milk 50 cc, drink 1 cup seharipada ata during the evening after eating.
avocado chocolate
black avocado
green avocado


Some diseases can be cured from various herbs, namely:
To overcome injuries bakaratau scalded, you can use duck bill or leak crop by crop mashed duck bill and then placed on the wound.

Eliminate legs
You can mnggunakan pepper, camphor, a few drops of kerosene. Pepper mash until smooth, then add the camphor and oil of the land, stirring until smooth, wipe the parts that you want to lose his hair, with his own feather then it will fall out.

If there is an infection of the ear then take mahogany fruit seed 10 seeds, leaves slobber 5 grams, 5 grams kencur, 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Leaves slobber, mahogany, and mash until smooth kencur in, cooked or fried in coconut oil until cooked and remember not to burn, after a cold drops in the ear.

Take 5 grams of turmeric, 5 grams galangal, palm sugar, 10 grams of ginger, pepper 25 grams, and 25 grams lempuyang. All materials are crushed together, then boiled with 1/2 liter of water until the remaining 1/4 liter, regular drink 3 times a day.

Preventing hair loss
In order for your hair look beautiful and do not fall off, grab her skin watermelon white meat, then rub it on your head, do it once a day 1 week before shampooing.

Could use a bat. Look for a bat and take his heart as much as 5, then wash them clean 5 hearts bats are then fried. This heart can be eaten as a side dish, often do you eat at least 3 times a week. Shortness of breath that can not be immediately recovered but gradually so you have to be patient.

If painful urination
Take 10 leaves nasty shard, kamudian boiled with water to a boil, refrigerate about 2 hours, then knum 1 cup every morning, afternoon and evening. But to her tomorrow you have to boil the leaves as much as another 10 grams.

Take brown sugar and salt to taste, some turmeric and lime juice. Then squeeze the grated turmeric grab her water, after which the material is mixed into 1, then brewed with hot water, pour and drink 2 times a day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Special Treatment

Increase sexual vitality
Each person must have longed for a fresh body, and strong in your sexual life, especially the men. To preserve the marital relationship in the household, you can mngikuti concoction that I share this.
Ingredients used:
2 egg yolks
3 stalks petai china
1 tablespoon honey
30 grains of black pepper
How to make it, so the egg yolks stirring until liquid, then take it petai china and dried until it is completely dried and pounded until smooth, well until finely ground pepper, mix the three ingredients, then mix the honey and stir until blended. Drink all without leaving residue.
If you drink every day, your body will naturally always fresh and powerful. Health will not be compromised even if every day you have sex.

uterine infection
Curing the simplest is to drink red juice. Can also use the following formula:
15 grams vinca (leaves, stalks, all parts of the plant)
15 grams of leaves starfruit
15 grams of white turmeric
All material is boiled with 3 cups water until the remaining 2 cups, then drink 2 times a day.

If women want to infertile so he always used to eat green beans or sprouts. Sprouts can be used as fresh vegetables or cooked. In addition, faster if often consume longan fruit, eating oxtail soup, avocado, eel, and shrimp.

Weakness venereal
There are times when a young man was attacked by the disease weakness, body weakness or weaknesses either specifically on the genitals. To fix this use my recipe. How to take a sour pomegranate juice and then take the water about 100% 50% added sugar then boil, allow to cool, drink this potion one tablespoon every morning and evening before bed.


Strawberry is a plant found bua first time in Chile, USA. One of the strawberry plant species Fragaria chiloensis L spread to many countries America, Europe and Asia. Strawberry known in Indonesia started in the mid-1990s. Strawberry requiring low temperatures to grow well-suited to the area Rancabali, Bandung. Are widely grown strawberry Fragaria Nilgerrensis the population is by local residents known as Strawberry Nyodo. Besides in West Java, Strawberry also began to be cultivated in the district Tawangmangu Karang Anyar, Sukabumi, Cipanas, Lembang, Stone and Bedugul (Bali).

The fruit is red indicates that the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigments and contain high antioxidants. Due to its high antioxidant strawberry that have properties very much. Besides strawberry was rich Vitamin C, fiber, low in calories, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid. By eating eight strawberries every day, the need for vitamin C and fiber are fulfilled adults. Strawberry has kandugan much as 56.7 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams.

Some diseases can be cured
As a natural acne remedy
Almost all acne medications sold in the market contain salicylic acid which contained many strawberries. Therefore, the use of strawberry mask is very useful. How: Puree strawberries, mixed with a little yogurth, apply on face, leave on for approximately 15 minutes.

whiten Teeth
Can be used as tooth whitening, to destroy it and then in the paste on the teeth for one or two minutes, then scrub with a toothbrush thoroughly. In addition to white teeth, bad breath will disappear.

Skin Tightening
Strawberry is eaten regularly can tighten, smooth, and makes colors brighter and cleaner skin. Prepare 3 pieces of fresh strawberries, 3 tablespoons honey, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 3 tablespoons sugar, give a little water. Then blend all ingredients until smooth before, then drink. Strawberries will make your skin smooth and fragrant.

pictures collection of my brother while in the garden strawberry:
My Sister
My Father


Pears is the name for the tree of the genus Pyrus and the fruit produced. Pears come from tropical climates in Western Europe, Asia and North Africa. Medium altitude tree, can reach 10-17 feet but most species are short tree with lush leaves. Intermittent leaves, oval-shaped wide but can also form long longitudinal trim. The length between 2-12 cm. In some species, shiny green leaves silvery or slightly hairy. Most of the trees shed their leaves in the winter with the exception of two species of Southeast Asian Pears evergreen throughout the year.

The tree is very resistant to freeze in the winter weather to -25 ° C and -40 ° C except for the evergreen species only cold resistant to -15 ° C. Flowers bloom in the months of April, white with little accents of yellow or pink. Flower consists of five petals. Flower diameter between 2 to 4 cm. Type of fruit pome fruit 1-4 cm in diameter on wild species, whereas farmed trees produce large pear with sizes up to 18 × 8 cm. Fruit shape diversity, most species produce fruit is round. Some species such as the European pear-shaped fruit growing on the bottom and thin at the base of the fruit. The fruit is ready to harvest in early fall.

Its efficacy is treating diabetes, anti-fever, overcome digestive disorders, and if you want to travel far to prepare the pears can be used as medicine for motion sickness.

Getting treatment
take 200 grams of fresh ripe pears then washed, peeled and in a blender with 50 cc of water, then drink 3 glasses of this juice daily in the morning, afternoon, and evening.


Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) Is a type of tropical plant from Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. The name 'pineapple' is derived from the Tupi designation for this fruit: anana, meaning "excellent fruit." These plants including the pineapple (Family Bromeliaceae). Stature (habitus) low vegetation, leaves long, sharp-pointed, arranged in a rosette around the thick trunk. Fruit is in English called a pineapple because of its shape like a pine tree. Bird sucking honey (hummingbird) are natural pollinators of fruit, although many insects also have the same role.
Remove dead skin cells
The fruit and leaves of pineapple proved beneficial for cleaning the dead skin tissue. Enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruit can make the affected tissue burns healthy again.

Lose weight
Can pineapple slimming and pretty well used to the diet. The trick is to provide 1 piece of pineapple that are not too ripe, peel and wash clean. Cut as needed and then blended or grated, then squeezed the water. Drinking lemon water without any mix, done twice a day.

Provide ½ ripe pineapple, peeled, grated, squeezed and strained, add the juice of 1 lime into the pineapple juice last, stir well, then rub the scalp, do it before bed and wash it next morning.

Side effects of pineapple
Can an abortion
Young pineapple abortivum potential as a drug or to an abortion. Therefore, pineapple is often used to treat delayed menstruation. Pregnant women are advised not to consume young pineapple.

Improving blood sugar
Ripe pineapple fruit contains a high sugar content. Diabetics should not consume excessive pineapple.


Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) were first cultivated in northern India, hundreds of years ago. Cucumber cultivation can be done in the highlands and lowlands. Cucumbers taste of course influenced by the quality of the soil. Cucumber is a vegetable that is spreading widely in the world, very much after the cabbage, tomatoes and onions. Cucumber can be found almost all over the world, with different species of course.

The fruit is usually harvested when ripe yet to be a vegetable or refreshing, depending on the species. The fruit is green when young with array-array yellowish white. The more out of fruit, ripe fruit color changed to pale green to white. Elongated fruit shape like a torpedo. Flesh development of the Mesocarp, pale yellow to bright orange. The fruit is harvested when still half-ripe and immature seed physiology. Ripe fruit is usually dried and the seeds are harvested, the color is black. Cucumbers can be found in a variety of dishes from around the world and contains enough water in it so that it serves soothing. Cucumber pieces are also used to help moisturize the face and many are believed to lower high blood pressure.

This plant is a plant vines and annuals, flowering and fruiting plants after death. Perbungaannya monoecious (monoecious) with the type of male flowers and hermaphrodite flowers (pansy). The first flowers are produced, usually at 4-5 weeks of age, are male flowers. The flowers are hermaphrodite flower when next is good growth. One plant can produce 20 pieces, but in cultivation usually limited amount of fruit to produce good fruit size.

Cucumber nutrient content of which as much as 0.65% in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrate by 0.1% at 2.2%. In addition to the above substances, there are also magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B2. In one cucumber, there are about 35,100 to 486,700 parts per quadrillion linoleic acid which is included in interest cucurbiaceae. In general, all the cucumbers have many compounds that contain kukurbitasin. This substance has its benefits as anticancer agents that can prevent the tumor from an early age.

Usefulness cleaning digestion, body temperature cool and nourish the skin, act as intracellular connective tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone. Her method of treatment is to take 100 grams of fresh cucumber then washed, peeled and then in the blender with water 50 cc. Drinking with 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3 times a week each 1 cup after eating.

Chili Java

Chili Java (Piper retrofractum Vahl. Syn. P. longum) is relative included in the tribe pepper and betel-sirihan or Piperaceae. This plant is known as chili Solak (Madura) and cabia (Sulawesi). Plants native to Indonesia is popular as a medicinal plant garden and grows well in secondary forests lowlands.
This plant products have been recognized by the Romans for a long time and is often confused with pepper. In Indonesia the dry fruits are used as a spice pemedas. Before the arrival of peppers (Capsicum spp.).

Forms of plants such as betel, vine, climbing, twisted, and reptiles. The leaves are oval to oblong, base rounded or heart-shaped leaves, tapering to the tip of the leaf spots gland. fruit compound grains, elliptical or cylindrical shape, and the edges shrink. Fruits are not old gray, then to green, then yellow, red, and tender. It was spicy and pungent aromatic.

Usefulness as a stimulant, diuretic, increases sweating, stomach reliever, anti-pain ointment, and lowering uric acid. How to use the first one that took 3 pieces of dried chili java then mashed and soaked with 50 cc of coconut oil for 14 days, then apply on the affected part. The second way to take 2.5 grams of dried root caba Java thinly cut, then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup, after a cold and then filtered and drink 2 times a day each 1/2 cup.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Plants scrawl

Plants scrawl (Selaginella doederleinii Hieron) including division Pteridophyta, ferns plant is growing on cliffs, ravines, and shady places that are cold. Stems erect, 15-35 cm tall, branching root out. The leaves are small, 4-5 mm long, 2 mm wide, oblong shape, tapered tip, flat base, the color of the upper leaves dark green, light green bottom. Leaves arranged on either side of trunk mains to kepercabangannya, which resembles chicken scratch with her ​​scales.

The chemistry of plant scrawl that sweet, warm. Fever, antitoxic, anti-cancer (antineoplastic), to stop the bleeding (hemostatic), and anti-inflammatory (antioedem), blood purifier, anti-pyretic, stomakikum.

How to cure the Take 1 handful of scrawl, then washed, and then milled into powder, paste in the affected joints, and in the dressing with a cloth, replace every 2-3 days.

Pluchea Indica

Major areas beluntas (Malay), baluntas, baruntas (Sunda), luntas (Java), baluntas (Madura), lamutasa (Napier), lenabou (East), while the foreign name for the plant is beluntas Luan Yi (China), Phatpai (Vietnam ), and Marsh fleabane (UK). Name bulbs beluntas is Plucheacea folium (leaf), Plucheacea radix (root).

Beluntas familia with Compositae is a branched shrub, ribbed smooth and fluffy. Generally, this plant is grown as a hedge or even grow wild, can reach 3 feet tall if not pruned. Beluntas can be grown in dry areas on the hard ground and rocky, the low-lying areas to the plains while in tow, it requires quite a bit of sun or light shade, and the propagation can be done by cutting the stem on the trunk is quite old. Short-stemmed leaves, lying alternately, sunsang oval, tapering rounded ends. Leaf margins serrated, bright green leaves, flowers and branches out at the end of the armpit leaves, flower shaped hump, handled or sitting, and purple. The fruit longkah somewhat shaped tops, brown with white angle.

Beluntas leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, sodium, essential oils, calcium, flafonoida, magnesium, and phosphorus. While the roots containing flafonoida and tannin. Beluntas leaf characteristic odor and a bitter taste aromatic and refreshing, efficacious to increase appetite, aid digestion, shedding sweat, eliminates body odor and bad breath, reduce fever, bone pain, back pain, and vaginal discharge, while the root beluntas efficacious as a laxative sweat and air. The leaves can also be consumed as beluntas lalaban or steamed. Beluntas leaf essential oil content of 5% can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, whereas the levels of 20% to inhibit the growth of bacteria Escherechia coli.

Its efficacy is as diaforetik, analgesic, and stomakik. Some of the diseases that can be treated with this plant are:
low back pain
Take 5 grams beluntas root, rhizome galingale 7 grams, 6 grams of ginger rhizome, turmeric 6 grams, 110 ml water, boil all the ingredients and then drink 1 a day up to 100 ml.

Take a leaf beluntas 30 pieces, 7 pieces of betel leaf, leaf sembung 9 pieces, leaves 2 handfuls acid, 20 liters of water, boil all the ingredients then uapkan under the bed is used.

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is the fruit of several types of cacti of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus, native to Mexico, Central America and South America and is now cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.

The characteristics of the roots of a dragon fruit dragon fruit is hairy roots growing in the soil above the roots hanging rod. The roots grow along the stem on the back fin on the trunk angle. On the spines, to grow flowers that looks like a flower Wijaya kusuma. Flowers that do not fall develop into fruit. Dragon fruit are round rather oval. Bright red fruit leather for the kind of white and red dragon fruit, dark red to black dragon fruit, and yellow to yellow dragon fruit. Along with full leather tassels which is analogous to the dragon scales.

Savor the dragon fruit is efficacious lowering cholesterol, to balance blood sugar, cancer prevention, oral health protective, preventing bleeding, and drug complaints whitish, prevent colon cancer, renal function and bone strengthening, strengthens brain power, improve visual acuity, as well as cosmetic ingredients, curing constipation, Treating Hypertension and Soften skin. Very easy to do, you can eat regularly made ​​or dragon fruit juice.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Milleer) is a plant found easily in dryland areas in Africa. Along with the advancement of science and technology, the use of aloe vera plants grow as raw material pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as food and health drinks.

plants rich in substances such as enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides and other components that are beneficial to health. One of the substances contained in aloe vera is aloe emodin, a class of organic compounds that activate antrokuinon levels of insulin-like signaling perceiving-beta and insulin-substrat 1, phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase and increases the rate of glycogen synthesis by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta.

Usefulness of anti-inflammatory, laxative, stomakik, and expectorant. Diseases that can be treated with aloe vera leaves are headache, dizziness, constipation, convulsions in children, malnutrition, whooping cough, vomiting of blood, diabetes, hemorrhoids, menstrual laxative and hair fertilizer.

How to cure that is to take 200 grams of aloe vera leaves, then washed, taken part in it and then boiled in 3 cups water for 15 minutes. Let cool and drink 3 times a day in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Betel (Piper betle)

Betel is native to Indonesia's growing vines or leaning on another tree. Betel is used as a medicinal plant (fitofarmaka) and was instrumental in the life and various ceremonial Malay.

The characteristics of the betel plant vines can reach a height of 15 m. Betel stems greenish brown, round, segmented and is the root of the exit. The leaves are heart-shaped sole, pointy, grow alternately, stemmed, and remove the smell that odor when crushed. Length of 5-8 cm and 2-5 cm wide. Compound flowers are leaf-shaped ears and patron ± 1 mm elliptical. In males grains around 1.5 to 3 cm in length and there are two short stamens being on female heads of approximately 1.5 to 6 cm in length where there is the stigma of three to five pieces of white and yellow-green. The fruit is round grayish green. Roots riding, round and golden brown.

Betel leaf oil contains fly (betIephenol), sesquiterpene, starch, diatase, sugar and tannin substances that have the power and kavikol deadly germs, antioxidants and fungicides, anti-fungal.

Its efficacy eliminate body odor caused by bacteria and fungi, heal the wounds of the skin, gastrointestinal, saliva shed, hemostatic, and stop the bleeding. One is used to treat nosebleeds, way is to take two pieces of betel leaf and then wash and then rolled, enter into a nostril, would immediately stop the blood flow.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Lotus (Nymphaea)

Lotus (Nymphaea) is the name for a genus of aquatic plants from the tribe Nymphaeaceae. In English known as the water-lily or waterlily. In Indonesia, the lotus is also used to refer to plants of the genus Nelumbo (lotus). Flowers are on the surface of the water (do not float), petals flushed (lily white to yellow), full circle-shaped leaves and rhizomes usually consumed.

Plants growing on the surface of the calm water. Flowers and leaves are on the surface of the water, out of the stalk from its rhizomes in the mud at the bottom of a pond, river or swamp. Stems are in the middle of the leaf. Leaves round or oval shape cut the width of the fingers towards the stalk. Leaf surface wax coating that contains no water that falls to the surface of the leaves do not form droplets. Flowers are on stalks which is an extension of the rhizomes. Lotus consists of about 50 species spread from the tropical to subtropical regions around the world. Lotus that grows in tropical areas from Egypt.

Diseases that can be treated include:
Coughing up blood and vomiting blood
Take the lotus rhizome, wash and blend until 1 glass size 200 cc water. Drinking and doing for 3-5 consecutive days.

Vomiting, and diarrhea
Take the lotus rhizome 50 grams, and 15 grams of ginger, and blend all ingredients, strain and take the water, drink 3 times a day.

Take the lotus rhizome 50 grams, and 10 grams of ginger, then blended, filtered, and then add 100 cc of water and heated to boiling. Once cool add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir and drink.

Segment lotus roots washed, and then blended, and the water dripped kehidung.

high blood
Take 10 grams of lotus seeds, and 15 grams of lotus seeds sprout, then boiled with 350 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. Drinking every day.

Segunggu (clerodendron serratum)

Segunggu (clerodendron serratum) senggugu or known term in Chinese is called San tai hong hua. Segunggu grows wild in open places or somewhat protected. Senggugu tropical plant native to Asia. This plant is an erect herbaceous plant, with a height of 1-3 m, hollow stems, large nodular and gray color black roots.

Plants Senggugu chemical properties contained in the leaves, bark and root bark. Segunggu leaf chemical constituents such as potassium, less sodium, alkaloids, and flavonoids flavone. Senggugu leaves are bitter, spicy, and cool. Senggugu bark contains triterpenoid compounds, acids oleanolat, queretaroat acid, and the acid serratogenat. Leaves contain a lot of potassium, less sodium, alkaloids and flavonoids flavone. Bark contains triterpenoid compounds, olenat acid, amino acid and serratogenat queretaroat. While the root bark contains phenolic glycosides, mannitol and sitosterol. While the root bark contains phenolic glycosides, mannitol, and sitosterol. Diseases that can be treated by these plants include:

Broken bones, injuries hit, bitten by snakes, ulcers
Capture plant senggugu then crushed and then stick to the wound.

Watery ulcers, rheumatism
Take a leaf senggugu then crushed and then submerged into the affected part.

Abdominal edema, Wormy
Take the leaves and brewed senggugu view of ginger and salt and drink.

Asthma, bronchitis, urinary Difficult
Take root senggugu then boiled roots, and drink the infusion of the roots.

Noni (Morinda C.)

Noni (language Aceh: keumeudee, Java: pace, kemudu, kudu); cangkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), tibah (Bali) from the region of Southeast Asia, belonging to the family Rubiaceae. The origin of noni can not be separated by the presence of Polynesian people who settled in the Pacific islands. Polynesian nation is believed to come from (South East Asia).

Noni tree height between 4-6 m. twisted stem, branchy stiff, rough, and it has stuck in the taproot. Bark grayish-brown or yellowish brown, parted in the shallow, hairy, quadrangular subsidiaries. Canopy evergreen throughout the year. Noni wood split easily after drying. Can be used for the support of pepper plants.
Noni leaf is face to face. Large leaf size, thickness, and single. The shape is oblong-lanceolate, flat leaf margins, short pointed tip. The base of the leaf-shaped pegs. Veins pinnate leaves. Color hiaju shiny, not hairy. Short leaf base, leaf size varies leverage, triangular shaped wide. Noni leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. High nutritional value because it contains vitamin A.

Flower petals grow into a round oval of chicken eggs. The surface of the fruit as divided into polygonal cells (polygons) are speckled and warty. At first green fruit, before cooking a yellowish white. Once cooked, the white color transparent and soft. The pulp is composed of stone fruit pyramid-shaped, red-brown. After thawing, the meat noni fruit contains a lot of water that smells like rotten cheese. The smell was the result of mixing between capric acid and caproic acid (compound lipids or fat molecules cluster volatile, a character such as essential oils) that smells rancid and caprylic acid that tastes bad. Presumably these compounds are active as antibiotics.

Its efficacy for hypotensive, autelmintik, and emenagog. The materials used are the roots of fruit and leaves. Can treat a variety of diseases, namely:
Noni fruit shredded, add 100 ml of boiled water, then poured boiling water, then add 1 teaspoon of honey, then gargle for this herb.

Enlarged spleen
Grate noni fruit, add a little vinegar liquid, then squeeze and strain, then drink one day once one herb.

Grate noni fruit, stone fruit, bananas 2 pieces, add 110 ml of water, brewed, then drink 1 a day 100 ml.

High blood pressure
Grate 1 noni fruit, add 110 ml of water, then poured boiling water, then drink one a day 100 ml.

You can also message concoction that is so below, hopefully can cure your disease.