This plant products have been recognized by the Romans for a long time and is often confused with pepper. In Indonesia the dry fruits are used as a spice pemedas. Before the arrival of peppers (Capsicum spp.).
Forms of plants such as betel, vine, climbing, twisted, and reptiles. The leaves are oval to oblong, base rounded or heart-shaped leaves, tapering to the tip of the leaf spots gland. fruit compound grains, elliptical or cylindrical shape, and the edges shrink. Fruits are not old gray, then to green, then yellow, red, and tender. It was spicy and pungent aromatic.
Usefulness as a stimulant, diuretic, increases sweating, stomach reliever, anti-pain ointment, and lowering uric acid. How to use the first one that took 3 pieces of dried chili java then mashed and soaked with 50 cc of coconut oil for 14 days, then apply on the affected part. The second way to take 2.5 grams of dried root caba Java thinly cut, then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup, after a cold and then filtered and drink 2 times a day each 1/2 cup.
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