Friday, November 2, 2012

Noni (Morinda C.)

Noni (language Aceh: keumeudee, Java: pace, kemudu, kudu); cangkudu (Sunda), kodhuk (Madura), tibah (Bali) from the region of Southeast Asia, belonging to the family Rubiaceae. The origin of noni can not be separated by the presence of Polynesian people who settled in the Pacific islands. Polynesian nation is believed to come from (South East Asia).

Noni tree height between 4-6 m. twisted stem, branchy stiff, rough, and it has stuck in the taproot. Bark grayish-brown or yellowish brown, parted in the shallow, hairy, quadrangular subsidiaries. Canopy evergreen throughout the year. Noni wood split easily after drying. Can be used for the support of pepper plants.
Noni leaf is face to face. Large leaf size, thickness, and single. The shape is oblong-lanceolate, flat leaf margins, short pointed tip. The base of the leaf-shaped pegs. Veins pinnate leaves. Color hiaju shiny, not hairy. Short leaf base, leaf size varies leverage, triangular shaped wide. Noni leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. High nutritional value because it contains vitamin A.

Flower petals grow into a round oval of chicken eggs. The surface of the fruit as divided into polygonal cells (polygons) are speckled and warty. At first green fruit, before cooking a yellowish white. Once cooked, the white color transparent and soft. The pulp is composed of stone fruit pyramid-shaped, red-brown. After thawing, the meat noni fruit contains a lot of water that smells like rotten cheese. The smell was the result of mixing between capric acid and caproic acid (compound lipids or fat molecules cluster volatile, a character such as essential oils) that smells rancid and caprylic acid that tastes bad. Presumably these compounds are active as antibiotics.

Its efficacy for hypotensive, autelmintik, and emenagog. The materials used are the roots of fruit and leaves. Can treat a variety of diseases, namely:
Noni fruit shredded, add 100 ml of boiled water, then poured boiling water, then add 1 teaspoon of honey, then gargle for this herb.

Enlarged spleen
Grate noni fruit, add a little vinegar liquid, then squeeze and strain, then drink one day once one herb.

Grate noni fruit, stone fruit, bananas 2 pieces, add 110 ml of water, brewed, then drink 1 a day 100 ml.

High blood pressure
Grate 1 noni fruit, add 110 ml of water, then poured boiling water, then drink one a day 100 ml.

You can also message concoction that is so below, hopefully can cure your disease.


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