Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Maize (Zea mays L.)

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the world's most important food crops, except wheat and rice. As the main source of carbohydrate in Central and South America, corn is also an alternative source of food in the United States. Residents of some areas in Indonesia also use corn as a staple food. Aside from being a source of carbohydrate, corn is also grown as fodder (forage and cob), extracted oil (of grain), made of flour (from grains, known as corn flour or cornstarch), and industrial raw materials (flour, grain and cob meal ). Corn cobs are rich in pentose, which is used as raw material for the manufacture of furfural.

Corn plant height varies. Although maize is generally elevations between 1 m to 3 m, there are varieties that can reach a height of 6 m. Corn seed plants, including single dashed monocots, maize classified fibrous roots can reach a depth of 8 m although most are in the range of 2 m. In plants that are mature enough adventitious roots arise from the stem books that help support the establishment of the plant. Corn stalks upright and easy to see, as well as sorghum and sugarcane. Segment wrapped leaf midrib arising from the book. Cornstalk quite sturdy but not many contain lignin.
Corn leaf was perfect leaf. Elongated shape. Between stem and leaves are ligula. Maternal vein parallel to the veins. Leaf surface was slippery and there was a blond. Stoma in the leaves of corn shaped halter, typical familia owned Poaceae. Each stoma is surrounded by epidermal cells shaped fan. This structure plays an important role in the response of plant response to water deficit in the leaf cells. Corn has male flowers and female flowers are separate (diklin) in one plant (monoecious). Each flower has the typical structure of the tribe Poaceae flowers, called florets. Pollen distinctive yellow and flavorful.

Nutrient content in corn grains are rich in carbohydrates. Most are on endospermium. Carbohydrate content can reach 80% of the seed dry matter. Carbohydrates in the form of starch is generally a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. Sweet corn amylopectin is known to contain lower but has increased fitoglikogen and sucrose, Calories 355 Calories, 9.2 g protein, 3.9 g fat, 73.7 g carbohydrates, 10 mg calcium, 256 mg phosphorus, 2.4 mg Ferrum, SI 510 vitamin A, vitamin B1 0.38 mg, water 12 gr.

Its efficacy to prevent constipation, good for weight loss, building muscle and bone, is useful for healthy brain and nervous system. The trick: take 1-2 shelled corn cob and steamed with as much as 400 ml of water until the remaining 200 ml, after cooler, its seeds are separated from the cob and then blended with 50 cc of water. Put it in a glass and add lime juice, drink 3 times a week each 1 cup after eating.


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